Resilience, confidence, adaptability, co-operation and perseverance are among the top requests for school leavers moving into the work and university environment. Using a mix of holistic “implicit” and specific “explicit” learning we aim to prepare our pupils to be as best prepared as possible to take on the challenges of the future.
What sets us apart is the ability to offer opportunities to all of our pupils and a specialism in non-academic cognitive development. In essence this is guiding a person to improve themselves and there non academic skills. Skills like teamwork, leadership, co-operation, resilience and perseverance. We have found that not only is this hugely advantageous in a pupil’s future, but students who take advantage of as many development opportunities as possible attain better grades and gain better university and work placements in the future.
Outdoor Education at the School is part of the full development of our young people and in conjunction with co-curricular activities builds opportunities to build the most remarkable people.