Outdoor Education

Resilience, confidence, adaptability, co-operation and perseverance are among the top requests for school leavers moving into the work and university environment. Using a mix of holistic “implicit” and specific “explicit” learning we aim to prepare our pupils to be as best prepared as possible to take on the challenges of the future.

What sets us apart is the ability to offer opportunities to all of our pupils and a specialism in non-academic cognitive development. In essence this is guiding a person to improve themselves and there non academic skills. Skills like teamwork, leadership, co-operation, resilience and perseverance. We have found that not only is this hugely advantages in a pupils future but that students who take advantage of as many development opportunities as possible attain better grades and gain better university and work placements in the future.

Outdoor Education at the school is part of the full development of our young people and in conjunction with co-curricular activities builds opportunities to build the most remarkable people.

“Jobs fill your pockets, but adventures fill your soul.” ― Jaime Lyn

Senior School Adventures

Year 7

Year 7 Residential

  • This three day trip is all about getting to know each other and having a great time

The advantage is pupils gain confidence, resilience and friendships for life

Bushcraft Experience Day

  • A full day learning primitive and natural skills such as fire lighting, outdoor cooking, shelter building and woodland safety.
  • This is a new offering for 2024 scheduled to take place in activities week for all of year 7

Year 8

Outdoor Adventure Activity Lessons

  • This is a teambuilding and personal development focused games lesson that all pupils attend in year 8 as part of their carrosel of sports options.
  • We look to teach explicit skills in teamwork and personal development as well as session on first aid, camping and cooking.

Year 9

Year 9 see’s every pupil given the opportunity to participate in the DofE Bronze award. Check out our DofE link for more details.

Year 10

DofE continues with pupils being able to sign up for the Silver award which see’s them undertake 6 days of expeditions in the Surrey Hills and Ashdown Forest.

Year 11

GCSE’s take precedence in Year 11 but pupils can still take advantage of Climbing in PE and the ability to opt for open adventure trips.

Open adventure trips will be available to all pupils in the senior school and sixth form with plans for canoeing and watersports trips, mountaineering and hill walking trips, climbing trips and international trips in 2024-25

6th Form Adventures

DofE Gold Y12 and Y13

Once a pupil moves into the 6th form they will have the opportunity to take on the Gold DofE award. This is open to pupils 16 years and older and includes two 5 day expeditions to the wilds of the UK.

We take our Gold DofE participants to Wales to undertake training in mountain navigation, first aid and expedition skills in wilderness terrain.

The Gold DofE is certainly a challenge with pupils signing up to 5 sections of independent learning including the expedition section. The award takes a minimum of 18 months to complete and those who achieve the award are offered the opportunity to attend the Gold award celebration in one of the Royal Palaces.

6th Form Winter Challenge

We are looking to offer a winter mountaineering trip in the 6th form. Offering pupils the opportunity to develop winter mountaineering skills in the Scottish Highlands and foster a life long love of mountains.

This trip would be offered in February half term and stand out as a one of a kind opportunity for student at Surbiton High School.