Exam Procedure

Timings for Written Exams

  • Morning exams start at 9.15 am and afternoon exams at 1.30 pm. Students should be outside the exam room 30 minutes before the start time
  • If students are going to miss lessons they should excuse themselves, in advance
  • If a student is unable to attend an exam it is important that she lets the Exams Office know as soon as possible by contacting us on 020 8546 5245 or email exams@surbitonhigh.com

Equipment for the exam

  • Students are responsible for bringing in the correct equipment to each exam – this includes the following: pens (black only), pencils, pencil sharpener, rubber and ruler
  • All of these must be in a clear pencil case or clear plastic bag. Failure to bring the necessary equipment can delay the start of the exam
  • Candidates must not use correcting fluid/correcting pens, highlighters or gel pens in their answer papers. Highlighters may be used for the purpose of identifying words or phrases on the question paper but not on the answer sheet

The Exam

  • Students will receive a copy of the JCQ ‘Information for Candidates’ which they should read in advance of their written exams
  • Candidates are reminded that on entering the exam room they are under JCQ Exam regulations and there should be no talking
  • Only items necessary for the exam should be taken into the exam room. Coats, bags, books and mobile phones should all be left outside by the runner’s desk
  • The use of external invigilators is now part of our normal procedure. All invigilators are trained in their role and proved excellent continuity for candidates, they are employed for the girl’s benefit as they allow teachers time to focus on teaching and supporting girls
  • Candidates are not allowed to bring in any food or drink into the exam room except water in a clear bottle with the label removed
  • At the start of the exam candidates must listen carefully to all the instructions given and check that they have been given the correct paper, level or tier
  • During the exam students must not communicate or talk with any other candidate. If girls have a question or require assistance, they should raise their hand to attract the invigilators attention. Invigilators are unable to help with explanations or help with the actual question
  • If candidates need to go to the toilet during an exam, they should raise their hand and a member of staff will accompany them. Girls are advised to go to the toilet before entering the exam room as any movement in the exam room will act as a disturbance to others
  • If candidates finish an exam early they should check through their work carefully. They will not be allowed to leave the exam room until the end of the exam


  • GCE results are issued on the second Thursday in August and GCSE results are issued on the third Thursday in August and are available via the School’s Management Information (MIS) system from 11 am
  • Please be aware that our priority on these results days are our current Year 11 and Year 13 students
