Spanish Media

Lou & Adryano | “Une fille du soleil (Mi eldorado)”

Christmas in Spain, culture and traditions.

Year 8 Summer Projects in Spanish

Year 8 Spanish students spent the summer term writing a script on a particular topic and filmed it during lessons and lunchtimes. They used a range of language and produced some very creative and comical videos.

Learning Through Song

Señorita Jeffries wanted to show her Year 8 and Year 11 Spanish pupils how fun learning vocabulary can be through the medium of song. By singing in the target language students improved their pronunciation and to this day, they still remember the key vocabulary thanks to the kinaesthetic activity. Everyone loved working together to perform the song. All pupils jumped at the chance to multitask and to add some fun actions to aid language learning.

Year 8 had been studying the topic of Daily Routine and Reflexive verbs. In this video they are performing, “Mi Rutina Diaria” to the tune of “If You Are Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands.”

After studying Health in Spanish, Year 11 enjoyed putting their language learning into practice by performing the song “Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas y Pies.” The Year 11’s relished the opportunity to incorporate bodily gestures to the words to aid their understanding of vocabulary.