Open Adventures SHS

“It’s not the mountain we conquer but ourselves”

Sir Edmund Hilary

Open adventures at Surbiton High School are a series of activities and opportunities that anyone can join. We aim to offer a large portfolio of opportunities to allow all our pupils to grow and thrive with adventures across the school.

We are looking to offer open adventures to pupils in the year 2024 – 25 and beyond with opportunities in climbing, bushcraft and nature skills, camping, and canoeing as well as overseas trips on a by annual basis.

Climbing Adventures

May Outdoor Climbing Stanage Edge Derbyshire

One of the most famous outdoor climbing venues in the country, Stanage Edge offers an amazing experience to any pupil wanting to take the skill learnt in their PE sessions outdoors.

We are supported by our very own climbing coach and guide who will look to teach pupils the ropes in this fantastic trip linking the indoor experience of climbing to the outdoor world.

The trip is open to any climber who has been approved to climb independently in there PE lessons or those with the NICAS level 2 award and higher.

Summer Climbing Adventure Dorset

A mixed activity trip centered around climbing, this trip will see pupils taking to the ocean coasteering, climbing up the beautiful quarry’s of the Dorset while also enjoying the beach and seaside town of Swanage.

The trip is open to anyone even if they have not had experience climbing before.

Watersports Adventures

Summer Canoe Trip - South Wales

The Rivers Wye and Usk offer a wonderful opportunity to develop canoeing skills starting on open water and developing onto gentle rapids and white water. This trip offers pupils the opportunity to get out in nature and learn to paddle before allowing them to achieve the paddle start and paddle explore qualifications.

This trip is open to Y10 and above and is a brilliant introduction to adventures and watersports.


Nature Skills adventures

Basics of Bushcraft

Aimed at all pupils this adventure offers our pupils the opportunity to head to our woodland area at Hinchley Wood to grasp the basics of being in the woods and living outdoors.

This day adventure will teach pupils to use woodland tools, explore carving and fire lighting skills as well as how to set up a woodland camp. It’s ideal for anyone wanting to get out in nature and connect.

Natural cooking

Developing on from the basics course this day adventure will look to develop outdoor cooking skills, from using basic pans and griddles to learning to bake breads and even cook a roast dinner all on an outdoor fire. Yum!

The adventure will be a great way to step away from the hum drum of day to day life and learn some brilliant skills along the way.

Survivor - Overnight camp

For those looking to test themselves with an overnight camp. The pupils will need to bring sleeping bags and mats but will have the opportunity to sleep under tarps, in hammocks and even under the stars.

We ask that pupils have completed the basics and cooking course as the skills learnt on these two courses will be vital in this overnight survivor camp.